【赤鬼のつぶやき C.W.ニコル】 メタセコイア(METASEQUIOA)
私たちアファンの森が「一般財団法人」となった当初から、地域原産の在来種のみ植えることを方針としてきました。しかし、私自身がこの地で森林再生に取り組み始めた1986年からの16年間は、敢えて4種の外来種も植えました。愛でる楽しみや教育のため、そして歴史や文化について語り合う“きっかけ”とするために。その1つがメタセコイア、英名は‘Dawn Redwood’(日本名の「アケボノスギ」は、その直訳です)。
1941年、植物学者の三木茂博士によって「化石」として発見されました。つまり、数百万年前には、メタセコイアは今の日本があるこの場所に、確かに存在したというわけです。当時はすでに絶滅したと考えられていましたが、1943年、中国・湖北省利川(りせん)市で中国政府の森林管理官として現地に赴いていた植物学者のチャン・ワン(Zhan Wang)が現生種を発見、その標本を採集しました。当時は戦時中でしたので調査が進みませんでしたが、その後1948年に「ハーバード大学植物園」が中国に遠征隊を派遣し、長い間絶滅したと思われていたメタセコイアの種子を米国に持ち帰りました。遠くいにしえの時代には、メタセコイアは北半球全域に広く分布していたのです。
Ever since our Afan woods became a trust we have planted only local native Japanese trees, but in the first sixteen years, from 1986 on we planted four non-native trees for fun, education, and as topics for conversation on history and culture. One of these was the metasequoia, known in English as the ‘Dawn Redwood.’ This tree was first described by a Japanese expert, Miki Shigeru, in 1941 from fossils, so millions of years ago it had in fact been native to what is now Japan. The tree was believed to be extinct until in 1943 Zhan Wang, a Chinese forestry official, discovered it in the Lichuan county of Hubei province, China. This was during the war, so nothing much happened, but in 1948 an international expedition organized by the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University, USA, went to China and brought back seeds of this tree that had long been thought to be extinct. In very ancient times the metasequoia tree had been common throughout the northern hemisphere.
This discovery caused great excitement in the botanical and forestry world, and the seeds sand seedlings were widely distributed, especially to America, Canada, Britain, Japan and other countries. Now it is quite common in Japan, although not in the wild.
We have just a few metasequoia trees planted on the little trail that leads up to our ‘tipi’ area. They are growing slowly, but in other parts of the world they have reached a height of fifty metres.
The metasequoia is a conifer, with small, bright and freshly green leaves. They turn reddish brown in autumn, and like larches, they fall. The cones are small and round.
These trees have become popular as ornamental trees for city roads and parks. There are lots of them in Tokyo.
They were almost exterminated in the wild in China, but apparently are now strictly protected.
Even if they grow to be big and mature in our woods here in Nagano, they will not spread so are no danger to the character of our woods, but are certainly giving us a story of rediscovery of and international co-operation.