
【赤鬼のつぶやき C.W.ニコル】 サンショウ(Japanese pepper tree/Zanthoxylum piperitum)


 サンショウは高さ3、4メートル程度の落葉低木で、葉柄から続く葉軸の左右に羽を広げたような小さな葉をつけます。日本料理に彩りを添える、おなじみの“つけ合わせ”です。英語では別名‘prickly ash’(トゲだらけのトネリコ)と言いますが、中にはほとんどトゲのないものもあります。また、サンショウには雄株と雌株があり、実を結ぶには両方が必要です。








 昨年、ある友人がブータンから持ち帰ったという乾燥実ザンショウを分けてくれました。日本のサンショウと似ていますが、得も言われぬ独特の風味があり、とても素晴らしいものでした! こうした新品種の栽培への取り組みは、食品やサプリメント、アロマオイルなどの分野で地方における新たな家内工業の可能性を開くものではないかと期待しています。




Since living here in northern it became my custom, when walking in the woods, to pick a green sansho berry when in season, chew it for a while, then drink of cold mountain water. The citrus ‘zing’ of sansho imparts a special quality to the water which to me tastes almost like champagne.
The sansho is a small tree or shrub, reaching three, maybe four metres in height. It has small, pinnate compound leaves, well known in Japanese cooking as a garnish. Sansho also has thorns, (accounting for another name, ‘prickly ash’) although some sansho trees have few, if any prickles. Sansho has both male and female trees, so for berries, you need both.
The flowers are tiny, yellowish-green in colour. Once a year we have a great and special treat of sansho flowers in sukiyaki. Delicious!
In 2013 my nephew James Nicol came to Tokyo from Britain for a short visit. When I saw him he predicted a boom in gin. James is especially fond of Japan (and his old uncle) and asked me then if there was any typically Japanese aromatic that could be used along with the juniper berries that define the essence of gin making.
“Sure,” I said. “Green sansho.”
I got some of our fresh green sansho berries to James and after a couple of years of experiments with several kinds of aromatics this Nicol Family Sansho Gin is being distilled in London and marketed in the UK, Europe and other parts of the world as ‘Kokoro Gin’.
Green sansho berries have an almost magical ability to enhance other tastes. In the past decade or so sansho berries have been selected by some of Europe’s leading chefs to improve all kinds of foods, even ice cream!
Sansho has been used in Japan as a condiment and traditional medicine since ancient Jomon times (10000 – 200 B.C.)
In the 17th. century a Korean sansho trees were imported from Korea and cultivated in Asakura, Hyogo prefecture, for their large and fragrant berries. Larger-scale production of sansho began in Japan during the Meiji era (1868 – 1912). Surely the use of sansho will spread throughout the world and that now is a good time to encourage the spread of sansho trees in Japan.
Last year a friend gave me some dried sansho berries he brought home from Bhutan. They were fantastic! They were similar to Japanese sansho but had a special ‘zing’ of their own. I think that in the future it would be good to experiment with cultivars of sansho to create a new rural cottage industry for food, medical supplements and aroma oils.
Sansho wood is traditionally used in Japan to make pestles and mortars for grinding food. 


July . 2019

