【赤鬼のつぶやき C.W.ニコル】ネムノキ(ミモザ、Persian Silk Tree)
ネムノキ(ミモザ、Persian silk treeとも呼ばれます)の種は多いですが、その多ほとんどがイラン、中国北部や韓国が原産です。背の低い広葉樹で、5〜15メートルの高さに成長します。幹は暗い緑のかかったグレーで、成長すると縞模様があらわれてきます。そして親戚のニセアカシアとそっくりの、平らな茶色い鞘に入った種を付けます。この実が空中の窒素を固定して、地面に戻していくのです。
We started tending our woods in 1986. One of the most important things we did was to plant beech and horse chestnut seedlings. These trees had been wiped out, but we knew they were native because when we dug holes we found old beech and horse chestnut mast. For our own fun, but also for education, we also planted a few trees of non-native species, such as English oak, American red oak, metasequoia and Lebanon cedar. A few mimosas were planted along with mountain cherry around the two ponds that we dug. Future foresters might curse us for this.
There are many species of mimosa (also called ‘Persian silk tree) many of them native to Iran, northern China and Korea. The one we have in our woods is native to Japan. It is a small, deciduous tree growing five to fifteen metres tall. Its leaves have twenty to thirty paired leaflets that slowly close during the night. That’s probably why it’s called ‘sleeping tree’ in Japanese. When it rains the leaflets point downwards. The flowers are fragrant clusters of little pink flowerets with white, silk threads. These flowers attract bees and butterflies, and, apparently humming birds. (No humming birds in our woods though.)
The bark is a dark, greenish-grey that gets stripy when old.This tree, like its cousin the false acacia, has seeds in brown, flat pods. It takes nitrogen from the air and returns it to the earth.
I don’t know if mimosa wood is used for firewood or anything else, but I have read that the leaves are traditionally dried and used for tea in Chinese medicine. This tea is apparently a mood enhancer and can relieve coughs, tooth pain and so on.
It is widely planted in Europe (where it was first introduced from Asia two hundred and fifty years ago), also in America, Australia, New Zealand and many other countries as an ornamental tree, because it is fast-growing, fragrant, has lovely flowers and gives a gentle, dappled shade.
However, more and more it is becoming to be regarded as an invasive plant. It spreads not only from the seedpods. Some related species of mimosa also spread from the roots, like false acacia.
We have not planted any more non-native trees since we became a trust in 2002. Prior to that we had the attitude that if a tree should become a problem we could always cut it down. With mimosa future foresters might have to do quite a bit of cutting, but in the meantime we enjoy their lovely flowers.
C.W.Nicol August 2018