
【赤鬼のつぶやき C.W.ニコル】レバノンスギ(Lebanon Cedar)

 20年ほど前、我らがアファンの森の守り人である林業家の松木さんに日本のあるNGOから連絡がありました。紛争地域のレバノンに絶滅が危惧されるレバノンスギを蘇らせようと活動している組織でしたが、当時レバノン情勢はかなり悪化しており、山岳地域に入るのは危険すぎる状況だったのです。そのNGOからの依頼は、自分たちが日本で育ててきたレバノンスギの若木の一部をアファンの森で育ててもらえないかというものでした。 まだアファンの森が財団法人になる前のことでしたが、ちょうど森の一画に歴史的、教育的に意義があると思われる外来種をいくつか植えようとしているところでした。









 About twenty years ago Mr. Matsuki, our Afan forester, was approached by a Japanese NGO that were trying to bring back the endangered Lebanon cedars to that embattled land.  The situation had grown worse in Lebanon and it had become too dangerous to go into the mountains. They asked Mr. Matsuki if we could take some of the young trees that the NGO had been raising here in Japan.

   This was before our woodland became a trust, and at that time, in designated places, we were planting a few foreign trees that had historical and educational merit. The great cedar forests are mentioned in the tales of gods and heroes of Mesopotamia mythology, when Gilgamesh goes into the forest to cut down the great trees, thus angering the gods. The Lebanon cedar is also mentioned several times in the bible and was used to build Solomon’s temple in Jerusalem. The temple was destroyed and razed by the Romans, and now only the famous Wailing Wall remains.  Because of their significance Lebanon cedars have been planted in Britain since the seventeenth century, and possibly even earlier.

   The Lebanon cedar is a very slow-growing tree that can reach a height of forty metres, with massive trunks some two and a half metres in diameter at chest height. The Lebanon cedar is an evergreen conifer, whose wood is valued more than any other conifer for its fine grain, yellow colour and long-lasting fragrance.  Deforestation throughout the eastern Mediterranean area endangered the tree, but with peace, efforts are being made to bring it back, especially in Turkey.

   The Lebanon cedar is the symbol of Lebanon and is depicted on the national flag.

   We planted half a dozen small trees and although they are surviving and seem healthy they are still very small. British park records indicated that the tree grows very slowly for seventy to eighty years, and then grows fast. It is a popular ornamental tree in America and Europe, and is suited to survive snow and cold, which should be good for us.

  Neither Mr. Matsuki nor I will see our Lebanon cedars as big trees, but it amuses me that in the future, visitors to the Afan woods may be puzzled as to what kind of tree these are.


March . 2019

